Program List

The number of (the)data : 5
  • Romance
  • Romance

Turn to me Mukai-kun


When it comes to vibes, personality and career, handsome 33-year-old Mukai-kun is a 10.
But a decade flew by without any romance in his life. Bent on finding love again, he encounters fabulous women… and his unforgettable ex from 10 years ago.

Is Mukai-kun simply not on the same wavelength as the ladies?? Does he have the wrong approach to “romance”?

This is a story about a man who forgot how to be in a relationship—something that will surely resonate with everyone.

In these times when marriage is no longer seen as the ultimate happiness, what purpose do love stories serve?

When it comes to romance, Mukai-kun is lost and needs to find his way.

Surely, there’s a Mukai-kun not too far from you. Get ready for his new type of “love”!

  • Human
  • Adventure
  • Entertainment
  • Human
  • Adventure
  • Entertainment

Pending Train

ペンディングトレイン―8時23分、明日 君と

It begins as any other day with commuters and passengers catching the 8:23 train. That is, until one train car suddenly warps into a wormhole and lands in a devastated future world. Without smartphones or social media, the passengers must confront extraordinary and extreme conditions. Mere strangers yesterday, they must face their worst fears and instincts for survival, deception, and love as they fight to get back home in this exploration of how people deal with unprecedented events.

  • Human
  • Detective
  • Human
  • Detective

Kazama Kimichika : Kyojo Zero

風間公親 -教場0-

How did that most fearsome instructor come to being?

The popular SP series “Kyojo” starring Takuya Kimura has been adapted into a drama series on the renowned Monday Night 9 p.m. Broadcast Slot.

In the last scene of “Kyojo 2” it was revealed that the artificial right eye was due to a wound that Kazama sustained during an attack while investigating as a detective. The identity of his attacker and the reasons for his intense resentment he has toward the police organization were never revealed…

In this series, the mystery of how Kazama became so ruthless and unmatched will be revealed. The story depicts the time before he was assigned to the police academy, when he was working as an instructor in charge of training new detectives…

  • Comedy
  • Entertainment
  • Comedy
  • Entertainment

ISHIKO and HANEO: You're Suing Me?


Personalities and complexes collide between a Tokyo University-educated paralegal, Shoko (“Miss Compliance”) and a young lawyer with only a high school degree, Yoshio (“Mr. Bohemian”). Nevertheless, they somehow manage to help clients in a small town through the “Ushio Legal Counseling Office” in this off-color legal drama! With Shoko’s sharp wit and stubbornly single-minded passion, and Yoshio’s penchant for acting cool, the two are more similar than they would admit despite constant bickering as they fight for the rights of their clients.

미스 컴플라이언스 “도쿄대 졸업”의 법률사무 보조원 이시다와 미스터 보헤미안 “고졸” 변호사 하네오의 “트러블 콤비”가 콤플렉스와 콤플렉스를 부딪혀가며 마을의 법률사무소「이시다 법률사무소」를 찾아오는 사람들을 도와주며 성장해가는 이색 법률 드라마!
두뇌가 명석하지만 고집이 세고 한 곳으로 만 내달리는 이시코와 거만하고 뻔뻔스러운 태도로 문제를 일으키기도 하는 하네오는 어딘가 닮은 부분도 있다….
정반대인 것 같은 두 사람은 불꽃 튀기는 배틀을 이어가며 다양한 트러블에 맞서 의뢰인을 구해간다.

凡事重視法規的”東大畢業”律師助理・石子小姐vs凡事放浪輕浮的”高中畢業”律師・羽男先生,這兩人的“凹凸拍檔”以各自抱持的自卑情結相互碰撞,在為區域居民提供法律服務的[A1] 「石田法律事務所」替人們解決疑難雜症的同時,亦開始有所成長,為前所未有的法律娛樂喜劇!


Born with a silver spoon in her mouth, and leading a successful start-up company, our well-bred protagonist seems to be living the Super Rich lifestyle everyone dreams of. However, in reality, the one-bed apartment they live in is cluttered with work documents, clothes and delivery boxes, as they simply don’t have the time to keep things tidy. She believes that her current success is due to prioritizing her wo rk above all else, and that gender, upbringing or education have nothing to do with putting in the effort to succeed.
The one day, she falls in love with a younger “puppy-dog” like boy who joins the company as an intern, and the two get married. Whilst his wife is on maternity leave, her husband, the poor intern turned employee, takes over running the company. The husband who gives his all to help his wife end s up stealing her job, and the wife who will do anything to get her career back. This couple who seemed to fall happily in love, now become each other ’s biggest rivals.